Healthy Followers
Followers are often ignored when organizational successes or failures are explained. This is because:

Writings on Christian leadership and leader development by Malcolm Webber
Followers are often ignored when organizational successes or failures are explained. This is because:
Read this parable of the bamboo if you would serve in leadership.
As we noted in our last Letter, a godly leader will choose accountability. Healthy leaders will be accountable ones!
A godly leader will choose accountability. To be accountable means to be responsible to others, to allow others to call one to account. An unaccountable person, on the other hand, will answer to no one outside of himself.
A leader does not become one overnight. He must be tested first.
In the forming of character in the life of a leader, discipline is an essential element. In fact, discipline lies at the heart of character.
No leader will be perfect – other than the Lord Jesus. However, since God’s leaders reflect God Himself to men, they must be of the highest character. This was why Moses received such a harsh judgment (Num. 20:7-12). God’s work will be done in God’s way, in a manner consistent with God’s holiness and [...]
A veteran has warned: Perhaps a large part of our trouble is that we tend to think of training as something of itself, a period of time, certain courses taken, a degree earned, abilities and qualifications that can be listed and enumerated on paper, so many credit hours, rather than as something that happened to us.
In our last Letter we saw that Jesus had 1 successor, 3 intimate friends, 12 core leaders and an extended leadership team of 70. Now, let’s look at the practical implications of this model for us.
In a previous Letter, we noted that Jesus concentrated on building only a few leaders. Moreover, He intentionally varied the relationships that He had with them according to their future callings. We will now consider the different groups of emerging leaders who enjoyed various levels or depths of relationship with Jesus, the nature of [...]