Leadership Letters

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Leadership Letters

Writings on Christian leadership and leader development by Malcolm Webber

The Eternal Nature of God

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) “In the beginning was the Word…” In the very beginning God simply “was.” John did not write “in the beginning became the Word,” because the Eternal Son of God never “became.” He always “was” – He eternally “was.” God possesses absolute [...]

Malcolm WebberMalcolm Webber

Healthy Leaders Are Built in Community #3

In most Western organizations today, we love specialization and compartmentali­zation. Consequently, as we have already mentioned, it is common for us to entirely delegate the task of leadership development to some “specialist” person or group – whether inside or outside the organization itself. We identify the emerging leader who needs [...]

Malcolm WebberMalcolm Webber