Leadership Letters

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Leadership Letters

Community in the Life of the Leader

Church-Integrated Leader Development

In our last Letter, we saw that a healthy church, like a healthy body, is one in which every member is functioning properly; this means that every member grows, serves and builds others. If we can create a church culture in which every believer takes responsibility to grow, serve and build, our churches will transform their worlds!

Malcolm WebberMalcolm Webber

The Healthy Church

What is the best and most biblical way to define a “healthy” church? Should a church be considered “healthy” when it is doing well financially or when large crowds of people are coming to the meetings? Perhaps a church is “healthy” when the majority of its growth is from new converts, or when it has a strong foreign missions program? Is [...]

Malcolm WebberMalcolm Webber

Healthy Leaders Are Built in Community #3

In most Western organizations today, we love specialization and compartmentali­zation. Consequently, as we have already mentioned, it is common for us to entirely delegate the task of leadership development to some “specialist” person or group – whether inside or outside the organization itself. We identify the emerging leader who needs [...]

Malcolm WebberMalcolm Webber