The Effect of Leaders: Developing or Enslaving Others?
Servant leaders genuinely desire to empower and develop their followers. Their ultimate goal is to convert followers into leaders.

Servant leaders genuinely desire to empower and develop their followers. Their ultimate goal is to convert followers into leaders.
The Power of the Supernatural: Churches are quite prone to the rise of abusive leadership – particularly churches that embrace the supernatural. This is because the presence of the supernatural in the life of a leader – in the form of healings, deliverances, the prophetic, etc. – can confirm his higher symbolic status [...]
In the face of abusive leadership, followers may react in one of three ways:
The most central and important characteristic of a healthy leader is a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Servant leaders lead out of a deep and abiding security in Christ. Abusive leaders, however, usually are very insecure. There are other reasons why certain leaders become abusive, but insecurity is one of the main ones [...]
In Matthew 20:25-28, Jesus said that kingdom leadership is of a fundamentally different nature than the leadership of the world.